The project was based of one singular crane and then adding different elements of the crane every time. Elements were created by making an illustrative, typographic as well as photographed crane. Then using projecting the crane and having another paper crane be placed in-front of the projection. After After doing so I would another element of a letter to create another layer towards the crane. and photographic the work. To create more texture, I would change the texture of the paper that the cranes are being projected on. Creating final outcomes that are more complex.

H above Crane Object above crane illustrations

H above Crane Object above crane typographic creation

H above Crane Object above crane photograph

H above Crane Object above crane Typographic image that has been distorted

H above Crane Object above crane photograph  that has been distorted after the photo is taken

Another way of distortion of  H above Crane Object above crane photograph that has been distorted after the photo is taken

H above Crane Object above crane Typographic image that has been distorted then placed on a textured sheet of paper

Using Format